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Christel's Diary


10 November 2005

The Big Man from Spain

Life can be beautiful without stress. I believe, it is not the first time I mention this.

To intensify that thought, I'm filling up my last week in Belgium this year with extra de-stressing events. Some highlights will be welcoming Saint-Nicolas in Belgium on Saturdays and having a complete wellness treatment on Thursdays.

Saint-Nicolas, big friend of the children, will arrive in Antwerp by boat. As always each year he leaves his homecountry Spain to arrive mid-November to prepare his grand tour of December 6th. He will be accompanied by his helpers and horse.

Every year, Saint-Nicolas brings gifts and sweets for the children who have been good during the year. Most of it is delivered on December 6th. Early morning, when everybody is sleeping, Saint-Nicolas rides on the roofs. At each chimney, he stops and verifies whether there are children living on that address and which presents they are entitled to. If something has to be delivered, the helpers glide through the chimney and display the presents, so the children see them immediately when they run through the house or the apartment in the morning.

Saint-Nicolas, although a holy man who lived centuries ago, has adapted to modern times and always finds a solution to deliver the presents timely to the children. Some problems can be : absence of chimney, children on holiday, ...
And even though he is working the whole night (through wind, rain and/or snow), he personally pays a visit the next day to ensure himself whether his customers are satisfied, leaving some extra sweets.

He is wonderfull in managing his stock and budget. Actually, he does this in close cooperation with the parents with whom he has a close and smooth partnership ;-)



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