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Christel's Diary


26 November 2007

New trees

What a nice change in temperature. It doesn’t anymore like living constantly in a fridge and although still warmly dressed, 1 layer of clothing is going. Nature is recuperating, and so are we.

The wild dogs have returned to the areas further away from the villages. The chicken are calmer and sometimes spending a lot of time in the hen house. I wonder whether they are thinking about starting to lay eggs. 1 white chicken is huge and always avoiding the other hens. Is good friends with the rooster. Everybody says it is a rooster too. Maybe… is hungry all the time, comes when I call and walks next to me like a dog.

We are feeding them popcorn. It is cheap and they love it. Yesterday, I gave some grain and the white huge one refused to eat. Preferred to pick the growing weed.

We had our first campers this week, a German couple returning home after a 5 month journey. They stayed in Aqaba/Jordan for a month waiting for the end of the cold over here.

March will be busy tourist wise. The requests keep coming in for itinerary/driver/hotels. These are people coming by plane. I wonder whether the campers will come too. There are some returning home from their Africa trip and I guess that those that want to be home by Summer will start their journey in Europe too.

Now that the frost is over, olive trees have been planted in the garden. I also bought a new cherish tree. I’ve been told cherish trees don’t need a lot of water. And the one from last year was planted in a part of the garden where the rain water was flooding too. It died after the some heavy rain showers in April leaving it standing in the water for a few days. So, this time a better spot for the cherish tree.

The first half of the garden is almost cleaned up and looking good. I guess 1 more week and it will be looking great. A lot of work is waiting in the second half.

Rahaaf and Ahmed are helping out and they really are. Rahaaf will be coming by every day, she says, until the work is finished. Very enthusiastic, that girl. Her mother is designing a garden too, but for some reason it is not as interesting to work with her. Maybe because there are no trees, only vegetables and flowers.

The only trouble is that Yasmine is not happy when she is left alone by her sister and brother. She wants to come over too and help with the weeding and cleaning up. But fetching Yasmine means no work done. She still cannot walk and needs to be carried around all the time.

She is trying hard to get up and stand. It is not easy with 1 arm and shoulder not working. She is trying now by using her good arm and standing on her head. She will get there. Like Ahmed who couldn’t walk before he was 3. You should see him running around now.



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