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Christel's Diary


30 September 2007

Chicken entertainment

I’ve got chickens : 1 huge black and white speckled rooster, 7 red brown hens and 1 white one.

5 hens are quite happy to stroll along with the rooster looking for stones and green juicy weed. 1 is an explorer and ventures quite far from the group. I always have to look out for her when I close the henhouse at night as I want to be sure she is safe.

The white one is very different. First, I was told that it was a fully grown small variety and I believed it, as I do not know anything about these animals. After a few days, it is clear that this is a young chuck that needs a lot of tenderness and friendship. She probably was some children’s pet.

I was very worried about her as she was sneezing a lot the first day. Life in a big garden and the abundance of food is making her stronger and she is learning a lot from the others : how to pick stones, sharpen her beak, fetch insects.

As she is different and the smallest one, she is dominated by the others. She has a lot of personality though and each day she is less afraid of them.

Whenever I am in the back of the garden, she comes towards me, stands at my feet talking all the time or just having a rest in my shadow. She loves to be caressed or sleep on my lap.

The rooster is not happy with our relationship. He sometimes looks jealously at me, but does recognize I am the bigger and doesn’t argue. After all, I’m the one supplying food.

1 of the red brown hens has got a lame foot and therefore also low in the picking order. Her handicap is not bothering her too much. She is using her wings to keep balance when needed. It looks like she is becoming friends with the white one and sometimes joins her in greeting me.

All in all, I never knew this would be so much fun.

Next spring, they will start giving eggs. Well fed hens supply an egg each day. That’ll be a lot eggs.


21 September 2007


Again 10 days have past so quickly. What should I write about? It is Ramadan and nothing really exciting is happening as everybody is fasting during the day.

Not drinking water (or anything else) from sunrise until sunset is to my mind a health hazard during these hot days. Something I do not wish to try. I could cope with not eating. So, before I visit or go out, I drink a lot of water.

Yesterday, during a visit, they made a cup of coffee especially for me. The dilemma was : should I drink it not to offend them or should I not drink it. I chose not to drink it. It seemed to be the correct option. It would be impossible to enjoy it anyway. Imagine yourself sipping coffee surrounded by a whole family still having to go a few hours without drinks and food.

4 days ago, I opened the cage of the bird in the backyard. He did not go out. Did not even seem to be interested. The next day he flew away, and did not come back until now. I am convinced he is looking for a female. Will not find one, as partridges are extinct in this region.
It is possible, however, he ended up as a meal to break fast.

Oh yes! Something really exciting happened this week. Yesterday, I got my vacuum cleaner back and it is working. They told me not to use it for more than half an hour at a time. Something I don’t anyway. The funny thing is that I got so used to not having it that I did not even start using it until now and I do not feel the need to. That’ll soon change.

I would like to end with a message to Rebecca who posted a comment on my blog : I cannot reply on your message, as I don’t have your email address. I heard these kind of blogs are abused for political reasons and therefore blocked for viewing in Syria. I’ve got a dedicated email address for exchange of information on Syria (syriatravel@gmail.com). You can contact me this way, if you want to.


10 September 2007

Sad news

I am a little sad today. This morning I discovered dead the female half of the couple of birds we bought recently.

She was not happy at all and physically abused by the male. I caught him picking her head several times and I suspect the wound got infected.

He is not sad at all, walking around the cage, scratching the earth and eating. In fact, I find he is looking very macho and triumphant. She probably was a nuisance to him.

Mohamed suggests looking for another female, but I am not keen on that idea. I‘d much rather return him and get a couple that has chosen to be together.

It is possible she was ill or scared by a cat. There are many cats here and they have to prey for their food.

In a few days Ramadan will start. Luckily, the temperatures are dropping. It is now less than 30°C during the day and fresh at night.

The after-Summer travellers are now coming by. A Swiss couple left the camping today. They have been exploring the world by car for many years and are in Syria for the 2nd time.

Until now, people are very happy with the facilities, but soon we will need hot water. Who knows this week the solar panels will be installed. Although that might be a bit too soon. Let’s aim for next week.

I’ve been cleaning copper this week. 3 coffeepots and 2 “ash holders” (I believe they are called “bok”). Have been oiling the windows and doors. They are a bit reddish now, but next time I need to mix more coloured powder with the oil to turn them even redder. Have also “”siliconed” them to keep the water from coming in when raining.

And I got news my vacuum cleaner came back all repaired, but… during transport another piece got broken. I’ve seen it. It is true. Now need to wait for the second repair. Is promised for next Sunday.

Still in the process of buying some chicken. The henhouse is built the traditional way with rocks and cement of straw and red earth. It is in harmony with the traditionally piled up wall and will not clash with the 3 Bedouin rooms that will be built later on.

I wish I would post some pictures on my blog. I have been attempting to do so a few times. Each time it failed. Don’t know what the problem is. Something I should look into when I have got more free time.
