It seems like there is no end to the weeding job. I estimated 1 week, but was so wrong. It will take a few more weeks.
Syrians don’t have the habit of controlling weed everywhere in the garden. They just do it where needed and do not necessarily take out the roots, just cut it and leave it hoping it will dry and die, but grass and alike are strong and when the roots find the least bit of water they continue to grow. I tell them foreigners do not like “hasjiesh” in the garden (;-)) while taking out big and small varieties. Nobody tells me to stop, so I must be doing it right.
It’s not a very challenging job for the mind. A very rewarding one, though. It often feels like “playing in the sandbox”. Not a bad way to enjoy the morning and afternoon sun. I often stop at noon until 3 or 4 in the afternoon to so something in the house or just have a rest.
Today it was raining on and off. Typical spring showers with burning sun moments in between.
There are new puppies nearby. I didn’t go and have a look. It would be too hard to leave them.
Am thinking about taking in some tortoises. Christians (or is it Armenians ?) have the habit here to keep some. They say they bring good fortune.
Meanwhile the cricket living on the ceiling the whole winter has left the building. I wonder where it got to. It never made a sound. Just moved from one room to the other from time to time.
I like this season. So nice to sleep with the windows open. To have the living room full of wild flowers.