Spare time
The storks stayed around for some time while they knew cold and rainy weather was coming still. Since 3 days temperatures have risen considerably and summer seems to have started. The storks have moved on.
I have been without computer for a week, as Zakaria had weeweed all over the laptop. He was playing a game and could not take a pause to go over to his potty. He startled from my reaction and has been good ever since. We have gone to the next stage of his potty training, i.e. trying to use the bathroom. He would like to do that all the time, but is afraid to fall into it (we have got floor toilets).
There’s still much wrong with the laptop, but luckily the hard disk itself is functioning. The DVD-player works without image though and the keyboard is partially not functioning and partially behaving strangely and annoyingly. An external keyboard enables me to do the internet communication and the photo editor is still working perfectly. For the moment I’m going along with it until I’ve decided what to acquire : a tower or a mini computer. If the image on the DVD player cannot be restored, it will be a tower, for sure. Maybe both, why not.
Contrary to Europe, we had quite a lot of rain until recently. The wheat is ready to be mown and we are selling some of our crops. There is only so much you can eat of the inkydinya (small juicy fruit), not suited for jam. We will do the same with the figs and grapes in a few months.
We are awaiting the return of tourists to have a regular income again and are using this time gratefully to do the small outstanding jobs in and around the house.