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Christel's Diary


17 April 2009

More water

Although we are living in what is officially known as a dry area, there is no shortage of rain this year.

After a few grey days, it started raining 24 hours on end with 2 super heavy showers during the day. The “wadi” running through our garden showed its use.

Our wadi is a tiny valley mostly dry during the year and full of water during heavy rains. It is a natural way to dispose off excess water.

Some people have a well in the garden to collect rain water. They were constructed by the Romans leading to big underground basins. We are not that fortunate to have one. I’m sure the existing ones are filled up completely.

Today started with light rain and we have a full blue sky by now.

The birds are overjoyed with this kind of weather. So, are most of the other animals. There is much to eat and plenty of water to drink.

It is not warm enough for the lizards. Until now I have seen them only a few times during the warmest days. They love to sit on the wall to be warmed up by the heat of the sun. Same for the tortoises. They need a lot of sun too.

April is the month that the wheat is harvested. Not this year. It will be in May/June.

I’m happy to say that the pear tree, almost killed by a bug and the wind last year, is growing again. And 2 of the citrus trees have recuperated from last year’s (2008) severe winter. 1 is a clementine, the other either orange or lemon. They are full with tiny knobs. Many will fall off. Some will grow into fruit.

Everything grows. Some of the onions are about a meter high and many campers look in amazement to the rose bushes. They didn’t expect to find any here and not in such good health.

A French woman told me that here daughter has an olive yard back home, but that she’s never able to harvest because the olives are eaten by small flies when they are small. What a pity?
