Extreme temperatures
After last year’s low olive oil production, we were hoping for a good year this time, but it turned out very bad.
The long lasting frost in January/February with hardly any rain has been disastrous for the blossoms in spring.
To give an idea : someone who has normally a production of 800 to 1000 liter of olive oil, now has only 50 liter. Can it get worse?
I was feeling guilty in not being able to help, but I shouldn’t, as it turned out to be little work to pick the olives.
The olive oil will be extremely expensive, as not many will have any to sell.
Let’s hope for a wetter (less cold) winter. The first rain has not fallen yet. Last year we had it early, in October. That might be a good omen.
Nice sunny weather and not too cold at night, leaves more time for my 10 week old Zakaria to become stronger and fatter before winter starts. He is growing and gaining weight fast and his tummy trouble has become much better. He now sleeps a lot, smiles a lot and makes those typical baby sounds.
Yesterday, I compared him to a baby boy born on the same day by caesarean in the same hospital. That baby started crying and you could hardly hear him. Zakaria’s lungs are much better developed.
We are spending some time in the autumn sun every day to get vitamins we need for the winter. Zakaria in 3 layers of baby clothing his grandmother brought from Belgium. Me, in a light “galabia”.
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تمام تلاوي, at 28/10/08 21:14
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