Full moon at Euphrate riverside
Have arrived 2 days ago in Aleppo (Syria).
First thing to do was and is getting used to the heath. It is 20 Celsius degrees warmer/hotter than in Belgium.
So, first day I spent hanging around and talking to the tourists in the hotel. Have been practising German a lot. A little bit of Spanish. Used English and french a lot. But no Arabic... That will come. Will take up where I left off 6 weeks ago by practising with the Assimil course for at least 1 hour a day, and he rest will be spending as much time with Syrians talking their own version of the Standard Arabic.
The second day, I joined 5 Germans to spend a night on the Euphrate. It was not the first time for me, but again it was an unforgettable night with the full moon watching over us and a multitude of stars in the sky. And let's not forget swimming in water that is never too cold, not even at night or at sunrise.
I'm sure it was a good idea to come over here for a longer period and will enjoy every minute of it.
Have fun... I will go to Tienen soon to get me some fishing gear :-)
Anonymous, at 23/8/05 15:17
happy to hear that this time you ended up in the water under a dark sky...it's a wonderful world isn't it
lotta love, barbara
Anonymous, at 13/9/05 17:02
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