Last day at the office
I just realized that I will be going to the office for the last time tomorrow before my sabbatical year is really taking off. These 2 weeks of holidays have gone by at warp speed. Time goes by quickly when you're having fun.
I only just realized it, while I knew it all along because I have been cleaning the car (a company car) - as planned - 1 day before spending my last day at the office. I have to turn it in clean on the in and the outside. It is spotless.
What do I realize now, and I knew it all along : I will be carless for the first time in 20 years. That will be something to adapt to.
Together with my car, I'm turning in my badge to get access to the office building and to every floor in the building. Even to leave a floor, one is obliged to badge. That will be something to adapt to. I have been known to try to open the front door at my house with this badge or to get a drink from the Coca Cola machine with it. And opening the car with it does not work neither, but as I will not have a car anymore...
Together with my car and my badge, I'm turning in my laptop. I will have to spend some time regularly in internetcafés. That will be easy to adapt to.
Together with my car, my badge and my laptop, I will be turning in my mobile phone. Aha, got you ! I will not adapt to anything on that matter. My friends and family will have to adapt because I got myself another mobile and my own private mobile number.
I just realized : I will be carless and careless ;-)